Pozesijos Obsesija

  • Possesijos Obsesija Photo: D. Matvejev
  • Possesijos Obsesija Photo: D. Matvejev
  • Possesijos Obsesija Photo: D. Matvejev
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Lithuanian National Drama Theatre (Lithuania), She She Pop | Performance Kollektiv (Germany)

A collective monologue about property in Lithuania
Ownership has become an extremely important subject in people’s coexistence: if you have nothing, you have to hire yourself out. But even those who own too much, so people say, become obsessed by it. There it is: the community of the possessed. In BESESSEN (2016, Berlin) the performance group She She Pop stepped forward to elicit property, ownership and a new meaning of “theatre without an audience”. As proposed in Brechtian Lehrstück Theory, those on stage adopt different attitudes and give speeches. A polyphonic monologue can be heard, whereby the community has its say. A community that is concerned about ownership and the resulting distortions. In speech, it confirms itself, yet establishes that it is at odds with itself.
After translating the existing text of “Besessen” (She She Pop, 2016) to Lithuanian language and having done the research on the possessions of the Lithuanian politicians’ in Lithuania, the new text will be finalized during two creative residencies in Berlin and
Vilnius where Lithuanian collaborators will get together with the members of “She She Pop” collective and develop a Lithuanian side specific new production: POZESIJOS OBSESIJA - A collective monologue about property in Lithuania.
Concept: She She Pop, Rimantas Kmitas, Mikas Žukauskas, Jonas Žukauskas | Lithuanian Text: Rimantas Kmitas, Mikas Žukauskas, Jonas Žukauskas | With: Sebastian Bark, Ilia Papatheodorou, Alice Tretau | Translation: Rimantas Kmitas | Project Managers: Agnė Pulokaitė (LNDT), Elke Weber (She She Pop) | Supported by: Goethe-Institut, Internationaler Koproduktionsfonds. ) | Besonderer Dank geht an Viktoria Ivanov (in Memoriam)

This project is part of round 5 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2018.