Remote Chisinau

  • Remote Chisinau Foto: Iuri Andronachi
  • Remote Chisinau Foto: Iuri Andronachi
  • Remote Chisinau Foto: Iuri Andronachi
  • Remote Chisinau Foto: Iuri Andronachi
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Center for Cultural Projects Azart (Republic of Moldavia), Rimini Protokoll (Germany), Sava Cebotari Theatre Company (Republic of Moldavia)

“Remote Chisinau is a collaboration between the Rimini Protokoll Theater Company in Berlin and young artists from Moldova.

Remote Chisinau is a site-specific walk of a crowd of 50 people, a part of an internationally touring theatre production, made by Rimini Protokoll. In Remote Chisinau, a group of 50 people set off into the city wearing headphones. They are guided by a synthetic voice, the encounter with this artificial intelligence leads the group to perform an experiment on themselves. 50 people watch each other, make individual decisions and yet remain always part of a group.The concept underlying the Remote Chișinău project is the cultural and social exchange practices, methodologies, forms of knowledge and experimentation of complex contemporary realities.”


This project is part of round 7 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2019.