STILL TO COME (A Feminist Pornscape)

  • Feminist Pornscapes Photo: Julia Novacek
  • Feminist Pornscapes Photo: Julia Novacek
  • STILL TO COME (A Feminist Pornscape) © Julia Novacek
  • STILL TO COME (A Feminist Pornscape) © Julia Novacek
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Station Service for Contemporary Dance / Ana Dubljevic (Serbia), Mousonturm / Frida Laux and Rahel Crawford Barra (Germany), Act Festival (Bulgaria)

This project is the result of an artistic collaboration that is driven by the common interest of five female artists on questions related to the production and reception of images: What is a female gaze and why does the world need it? Who can have a female gaze? What kind of art develops from it? Why do we need that kind of art? Can there be a different world that does not know the oppression of a “fixed gaze” or “surveying gaze” or even “fake gaze into the void”, but celebrates an “encompassing gaze”, the one that embraces the entire world as it is? Feminist Pornscapes is an exploration into the possibility of empowering a space, where the concept of binaries can be safely blurred, a space where the subject-object relation can be transgressed, where “to see” and “to be seen” can become one. Works with layers of movement, text, and sensor controlled light create a choreography of attention, not by directing the view of the audience, but by opening different possibilities for and by rupturing it, creating so a space for inflection.

Concept and choreography: Rahel Barra, Ida Daniel, Ana Dubljević, Frida Laux, Zrinka Užbinec | Performance: Rahel Barra, Ida Daniel, Ana Dubljević, Zrinka Užbinec | Light and stage design: Carina Premer | Costumes: Silvio Vujičić | Photo and video documentation: Julia Novacek | Graphic Design: Denitza Boyadzhieva | Producer: Marijana Cvetkovic | Co-produced by the International Coproduction Fund of the Goethe-Institut | Supported by Goethe-Institut Sofia, Goethe-Institut Belgrade, Institute for Applied Theater Studies (University of Giessen) and Stadtheater Giessen

This project is part of round 3 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2017.