Tender fights

  • Tender Fights © Milica Ivić
  • Tender Fights © Milica Ivić
  • Tender Fights © Milica Ivić
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During a hot summer, three people meet at the only place possible for them. They stare out at the sea and ask: “What do we want and need from bodies on stage in 2020? 
This is not a staging neither a video. It's a performance that never took place  but will be presented digitally.
In “Tender Fights” Ana Dubljević, Kasia Kania, and Marja Christian explore the knowledge that is inscribed in their bodies. Their bodies tell tales of resistant practices, visible in physical actions: being awake, listening to each other, standing up for oneself and others, standing up at all. They begin where knowledge is visible and negotiable in our bodies in everyday life and see how it works. The three of them face struggles and explore boundaries and visions of tenderness that they implant into these struggles.

Concept & Performance: Marja Christians with Ana Dubljević and Kasia Kania,

Coproduktion with STANICA/STATION Service for Contemporary Dance and Mousonturm Frankfurt. In cooperation with the Hessian Theatre Academy, supported by the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony and by the International Coproduction Fund of Goethe-Institut. With the support of Liberdance, Kamenjak/Zagreb, HKD/Hrvatski kulturni dom Rijeka and Zavod Pothos Melara, Ljubljana.

This project is part of round 9 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2020.