Sound journeys from the archive of Oswaldo Lares

  • Archivolares Color Photo: Mariángeles Pacheco
  • Archivolares Photo: Mariángeles Pacheco
  • Archivolares Photo: Mariángeles Pacheco
  • Archivolares Photo: Mariángeles Pacheco
  • AbraOLares Photo: Mariángeles Pacheco
  • AbraOLares Photo: Mariángeles Pacheco
  • Concierto Photo: Mariángeles Pacheco
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ArchivOlares / Guillermo Lares (Venezuela), TAL / Stefan Schneider (Germany) and Elizabeth Gallon Droste (Germany)

Oswaldo Lares’ (Maracaibo, 1932) field recordings, slides, videos and original notes keep the memories of his research journeys and the musical world he got to know in Venezuela in the 60s, 70s and 80s.
Contemporary artists of various disciplines (music, video, photography and performance) living both inside and outside the country, produce a series of works in three stages: In the first stage, an album is produced with a selection of 14 pieces in Düsseldorf by TAL music. In the second one, there is an exhibition in ABRA (Caracas), which combines a physical show with a virtual transmission of the live events taking place there. In the third stage, a work presentaion will be held at the Ibero-American Institute in Berlin, where the archive contents will be fuse to pieces related to the current Venezuelan situation. The project aims to inspire new generations of Venezuelans as well as the general public from a human point of view.

Conception & Coordination: Guillermo Lares (ArchivOlares), Stefan Schneider (TAL) | Assistance: Elisabeth Gallon Droste | Archival Material: Oswaldo Lares (Fundalares) | Digitization of original Tapes: Roberto Lares | Photography & Video: Mariángeles Pacheco | Sound Engineering: Iván Gozón | Sound Design: Diana Restrepo, David Medina (Trasonante) | Web Production: David Medina | Graphic Design: Juliana Toro | Music: Isaac Sassón, Hensli Solórzano, Jose Antonio Mendez, Carolina Lares | Texts: Laura Jordan | Translations: Anna Miorin, Grauben Navas | Mastering & Restoration: Detlef Funder, Paraschall | Artwork: Christa Marek | Locations: ABRA / Centro cultural Los Galpones, Ibero-American Institute | Supported by: Goethe-Institut – Internationaler Koproduktionsfonds, Goethe Institut Caracas and Fundalares.

This project is part of round 2 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2016-2017.