The Eerie Atlas

  • The Erie Atlas - Wornworld © Thomas Deufert
  • The Erie Atlas - Wornworld © Thomas Deufert
  • The Erie Atlas - Wornworld © Thomas Deufert
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Odyssey Theatre Ensemble (USA), deufert&plischke (Germany)

“The Eerie Atlas”, initiated by the Odyssey Theatre and deufert&plischke, is a project about the complex and universal subject of fear. It focuses not only on the big scares like terrorism, climate change, economical pressure, but also the very private, personal, individual causes of “angst”, that are hard to articulate in our everyday life. In 2019 the number of homeless people in Los Angeles rose about 16%. In consequence the main focus will be the work with transient people. How can one live with next to nothing? How can one express the fear of not having a home? As in “Just in Time”, a project of the Odyssey Theatre and deufert&plischke in 2018, the artistic process is open and intended to integrate people from different walks of life. In workshops with transient people and other groups experiences will be shared, stories collected, written down and recorded, encounters made possible, that are usually avoided. In the end a “map of fear” will be created in a series of performances, a “walkable” audio drama, choreographed moves with the audience, to create contact, a haptic and somatic experience of fear.

Producer/Choreographer: Kattrin Deufert, Thomas Plischke | Artistic Assistant: Shade Theret | Set Design: Kerstin Ergenzinger | Producer/Dramaturge: Barbara Mueller-Wittmann | Producer: Beth Hogan


This project is part of round 8 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2019-2020.