The Future Memory_The voices of the Grandmothers

  • Die Stimmen der Abuelas 1 © Matías Gutiérrez u. Natalia Marcantoni
  • The voices of the Grandmothers 2 © Matías Gutiérrez u. Natalia Marcantoni
  • The voices of the Grandmothers 3 © Matías Gutiérrez u. Natalia Marcantoni
  • The voices of the Grandmothers 4 © Matías Gutiérrez u. Natalia Marcantoni
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THE FUTURE MEMORY (The Archive Projet - The voices of the grandmothers) was born from the dialog between artists and workers of the argentine culture and Germany to give a public character to the Archivo Biográfico Familiar of the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, a civil organization founded in 1977 during the last military dictatorship in Argentina. These mothers/grandmothers created a historical, oral and -until today- confidential collection of more than 2000 interviews that reconstructs the life history of their sons and daughters for the grandchildren they’re still looking for (since their identities were adulterated).

The archive will find a way to be opened through the exchanges of a creative group that will work on the assembly of a performative piece, inspired to give visibility to life histories that were fragmented by the state violence. This transnational artistic collaboration plans to conceive, through a collective creation, a contribution to the cultural heritage of the future.

Direction: Luciana Mastromauro | Dramaturgy: Aljoscha Begrich | Research: Romina Bozzini, Daniela Drucaroff, Marisa Paula Salton, Luciana Mastromauro | Text: Eugenia Pérez Tomas, Luciana Mastromauro | Artistic Collaboration: Gerardo Salinas | Artistic and Executive Production: Cecilia Kuska (Rosa Studio), Jimena Soria (Rosa Studio) | Set & Costumes: Mariana Tirantte | Assitant Director: Marisa Paula Salton | Sound Design: Mauro Zannoli | Digital Artists: Wies Hermans, Lucila Guichon | +local casts


This project is part of round 12 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2022.