Innovative Organisation

We develop continually as a learning organisation.

Our Approach

Participation, creativity, diversity and openness to change are the key to remaining viable in the future as an organisation.

The challenges of globalisation, digital transformation, climate crisis and experience of the coronavirus pandemic are bringing profound changes. We therefore need to be flexible.

Our Spheres of Activity

Vibrant network

We continue to develop our network steadily and strategically. We design new models of cooperation while maintaining a balance between analogue and digital structures. These include the Goethe-Instituts worldwide, temporary project spaces and pop-up institutes, digital platforms and virtual spaces.

Contemporary approaches to work

We give our employees space to contribute their expertise autonomously towards the goals of the Goethe-Institut. Our style of working is self-determined and interdisciplinary. Hybrid and mobile working are a matter of course for us. We thereby maintain greater scope to develop innovative approaches while exploiting the creative potential of the organisation.

Activity in new and proven business fields

We open up new business fields and further develop proven programmes in order to provide relevant offers for our customers and our public. New alliances and partnerships help us to develop spheres of activity as well as realise effective and cost-effective projects.

Diverse organisation

We support and foster diversity in our organisation as well as in our programmes and offers. Institutionalised diversity management strengthens the integration of different realities of life and dimensions of diversity. We promote and require the different abilities of our employees in appreciative collaboration.

Gender Equality Plan

Further goals

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