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We promote cultural exchange between Germany and Canada. We initiate film series, exhibitions, concerts, seminars and festivals which involve bilateral artistic production, reception and reflection.

Installation view of the exhibition, "Artist's Choice: Jérôme Bel/MoMA DanceCompany." October 27, 2016-October 31, 2016Photo: Julieta Cervantes © The Museum of Modern Art, New York
30 Jahre Wiedervereinigung © Shutterstock

German-German history
The reunified Germany

One year after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the SED regime, the goal of West German postwar policy had been achieved: the reunification of the divided country. In 2020, we celebrated the 30th day of German reunification. Look back with us on an exciting chapter of German-German history.

Current Projects

Fehler © Tobias Schrank


How does the new come into the world? We celebrate the error and its innovative power: the most beautiful small and big mistakes in art, language, technology and society.

Reconciliation © Tim Mossholder/Unsplash

Graphic Novels Project

As the Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2020, Canada will present a programme this year that reflects the diversity of the local cultural scene. We have invited 20 authors to write new and original comics and illustrated stories in German, English, French and Indigenous languages on a term that evokes very different associations and emotions in the two countries: RECONCILIATION.

New Nature © Goethe-Institut Montreal

Science and Arts
New Nature

An Immersive Media and Climate Science Exchange between Canada - Germany - Mexico - US

NEW NATURE is a series of encounters over the course of 2020 between 25 leading climate scientists, artists, and technologists from Canada, Germany, Mexico, and the United States. Working on the forefront of immersive technologies, the project participants will engage in a series of in-depth collaborations to reflect on climate change and imagine desirable futures.

Our digital future, c’est ICI !

Youth exchange project
« Our Digital Future, c'est ICI »

A new platform for young adults that offers a local and global exchange that addresses our digital future in a holistic and positive way, and focuses on identifying the principles, processes and decisions that will lead to the most inclusive digital societies.

Lisez l'Europe © Colourbox

European literature in Montreal
Lisez l'Europe

"The meeting place for European books" consists of a group of European cultural institutions whose mission is to present in Montreal a contemporary perspective on European literature. 

Completed projects

The design of the exhibition "Queer as German Folk" developed by the Berlin based agency chezweitz graphic: chezweitz

50 years Stonewall Riots
Queer as German Folk

The 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots gives occasion to celebrate, but also to continue the struggle for queer rights. The Goethe-Institut supports debate and remembrance with an international program.

Die Mauer © BSA

The Wall - a border through Germany

On display are a number of impressive photographs and documents from the archives of the Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship. Addressed subjects are the GDR’s border regime and its victims, escape helpers and flight, everyday life along the inner-German border and within the partitioned city, as well as the joyful overcoming of Germany’s partition during the Peaceful Revolution in 1989.

German traces in Canada © Goethe-Institut

German traces in Canada

Discover Canada from a new perspective and join us on a multimedial track search.

VRRV Workshops at the MUTEK April 2018 © Vivien Gaumand

Exchange program

An initiative offering professional virtual reality (VR) creators, artists, thinkers and journalists from Canada and Germany the opportunity to exchange knowledge, collaborate on new works, and share their critical explorations with the public.

MONT RÉEL  - Collaborative Workshop © ConstructLab

Mont Réel

In summer 2017, a collectively-built mountain, Mont Réel, has emerged in Montréal, providing a gathering place for the surrounding communities and an in-situ laboratory to experiment with urban (bio)diversity.

Berlinale Blogger 2018 Art Design: Lea Delazer © Goethe-Institut

Berlinale-Blogger 2018

Berlin played host to the world of film when the 68th Berlinale comes to town from 15 to 25 February 2017. On behalf of the Goethe-Institut, ten bloggers and film journalists from around the world were our Berlinale Bloggers, reporting on the international film festival from a multinational perspective.

Deep Water Cultures © Anuk Miladinović

Film projections
Deep Water Cultures

Tina Sauerländer presents a selection of short films that feature different concepts of the cultural handling of water.

Berlinale Blogger 2017 © Goethe-Institut

Berlinale Blogger 2017

On behalf of the Goethe-Institut, twelve bloggers and film journalists from around the world will be our BerlinaleBloggers, reporting on the the 67th Berlinale from a multinational perspective.

Monument 0 de Eszter Salamon © Ursula Kaufmann

Culture in Montreal

The cybercarnet of the activities of the Goethe-Institut Montreal, manifestations of German culture in Montreal and of what we care about in general. Our team of bloggers wanders around the city to offer a unique perspective of our universe.

Future Perfect Goethe-Institut

Future Perfect

The Goethe-Institut and  FUTURZWEI foundation presents stories for tomorrow – lived today, everywhere.

Germany @ Canada 2017

Germany @ Canada 2017

This year, the German Embassy and the Goethe-Institut are joining in the celebrations of Canada's sesquicentennial year with an exciting series of cultural events.

In the city © Eric Berthiaume

In the city

To live in the city is to live a multitude of urban experiences. One of them reveals itself on a daily basis, in a more discrete manner: walking. As long as we accept to play the game of wandering without a final destination, oscillating at times between dreams and observations, we can find ourselves suddenly transformed into realflâneurs.

“Underground”: in a context where even the most critical artistic activity no longer escapes the media spotlight, becoming assimilated and then recycled into a basic cultural commodity, what does this word—with its air of revolt against the establishment— still signify? What does it evoke, today? Does it always arise out of disagreement or rather does it reflect a parallel “praxis” that is not necessarily seeking confrontation? A practice operating discreetly and on the fringes of official networks, searching for neither recognition nor longevity… This collection aims to provide elements of a response by examining a range of cultural domains from here and from Germany.

Underground, today

“Underground”: in a context where even the most critical artistic activity no longer escapes the media spotlight, becoming assimilated and then recycled into a basic cultural commodity, what does this word—with its air of revolt against the establishment— still signify? What does it evoke, today?

Electrical Walk in Montréal © Goethe-Institut

Electrical Walk in Montréal

Discover the noise experience proposed by the invited German artist Christina Kubisch.

Carte Blanche, Kanada Photo: Loredana La Rocca

Carte Blanche

In our ongoing efforts to connect the art scenes in Canada and Germany, we asked prominent Canadian authors to present their "favourite German book" to our visitors and readers. The result was a collection of personal appreciations of favourite or most important or loved or most influential books.
