Event series

Achtung Film!

Film screenings | Monthly film series at ByTowne Cinema

Achtung Film! - Banner Monik Richter © Goethe-Institut Montreal

From January 2022, the Goethe-Institut, in collaboration with ByTowne Cinema, presents ACHTUNG FILM!  - a new film series for cinema from Germany.

Once a month, ByTowne Cinema will showcase the richness and diversity of contemporary German cinema with bold and entertaining productions by emerging directors from Germany.

The films in the programme revolve around the theme of resilience and focus on people who demonstrate the ability to overcome difficult life situations. They shed light on the social conditions faced by these people, their families, their communities and society in general. The series addresses the issues such as racism, but also the strength of individuals in the face of intolerance, as well as self-assertion, sexual empowerment and the power of community.