Free support

for international professionals

Six persons from different countries © Goethe-Institut

The recruitment of international skilled workers harbours great potential to counteract the shortage of skilled workers in Germany. Teaching German language skills and preparing for everyday and professional situations are essential for a good arrival and rapid integration in the workplace. We support you here with free programmes.

Platform "My start in Germany"

A lot of information is needed for a good start in Germany. With our platform, we offer long-term support for your employees.

The following offers can be used flexibly and according to individual needs: ​​​​​​
  • German practice materials for all levels
  • Online events on the topics of work, leisure, learning German, housing, health
  • Information material for a good arrival in Germany
You can use this form to register your trainees or skilled workers from third countries:


You can find a detailed overview of our event formats here. On our platform, participants will find the following formats, among others, which are offered regularly:


Would you like to take advantage of our free services for your trainees and skilled workers from third countries and still have questions about our services, registration or the project?

Arrange a free consultation appointment for companies or institutions online here:

Frequently asked questions

  • Logo Europäische Union
  • Logo Vorintegration und Übergangsmanagement

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