Fiction | Fiction
Before the Feast

Saša Stanišić

A small fictional village in the Uckermarck region, which is about to have a big annual festival. The villagers have been busy the night before. After several failed attempts, Frau Kranz tries to paint the village in the darkness. Anna meets two strange gentlemen while jogging. Mr Schramm, a former member of the National People's Army, plans to commit suicide, but in the end, unlike the ferryman, he is not dead. The village bells have disappeared and a vixen is looking for food for her young. 


Before the Feast
Saša Stanišić
Translation: Anthea Bell
London, Pushkin Press 2015
320 pages
Translation sponsored by the Goethe-Institut

German original title


Saša Stanišić
Vor dem Fest

München, Luchterhand Literaturverlag 2014
316 pages


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