Media. Minds

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Funded by the European Union, the Innovation. Media. Minds: Support to Public Service Journalism in the Western Balkans Program, is managed by the Goethe-Institut on behalf of the European Commission and in collaboration with its implementing partner DW Akademie.

About the project

Focusing on public service broadcasters, the Innovation. Media. Minds (IMM) Program aims to enhance content and engage audiences. Implemented from September 2023 to August 2026, the program has three objectives: 
  1. to elevate public service media content production 
  2. to foster an environment of creativity, innovation and regional cooperation
  3. to ensure that public service media remain at the forefront of quality journalism 

The three pillars of the IMM Program, support to public service media, support to journalists and financial support, are closely interconnected. These include: 


Financial support plays a pivotal role by providing opportunities for co-financing newly developed project ideas, addressing specific needs and challenges faced by public service media (PSM) and media professionals in the Western Balkans. 

Within the Program, the following types of grants are provided:

Estimated results

  • improved management skills, internal structures and workflows of PSB, and improved programming and public interest content, 
  • improved skills and innovation techniques of media Professionals, with a focus on young journalists, multipliers and trainers, concerning quality journalism audience involvement and
  • engagement and expanded Cooperation and networking capacity of PSM.


The Innovation. Media. Minds.: Support to Public Service Journalism in the Western Balkans Program opens a first call for the International mobility grants for media professionals affiliated with Western Balkan Public Service Media (PSM).

Call for applications | Deadline: 18.09.2024

 © Zerbor

New Joint Info Session on International Mobility Grants

With deadline for the first call for international mobility grants extended until 18 September, 2024, the Innovation. Media. Minds. EU Support to Public Service Journalism in the Western Balkans Program, is holding another joint info session on 10 September 2024 at 11:00 CET.

Innovation Projects by Western Balkan PSM Awarded EU Grants

Five public service broadcasters in the Western Balkans—Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo*, and Serbia—have each been awarded €60,000 EU grants to co-finance their innovation projects over the next 12 months. These initiatives focus on advancing children, youth and minority programming, upgrading technology, improving content, and boosting community engagement.

 © Colourbox

Apply Now: Support for Independent Media

The EU-funded Innovation. Media. Minds.: Support to Public Service Journalism in the Western Balkans Program is pleased to announce the first open call for independent investigative media and media organisations in the Western Balkans.

  © Goethe-Institut

The Innovation. Media. Minds.: Support to Public Service Journalism in the Western Balkans Program opens a call for financial support of the Western Balkan public service media participating in in the Innovation. Media. Minds Program

Deadline: This public call is closed

Information sessions for the first public call for Innovation project grants within the Innovation. Media. Minds. Program: EU Support to Public Service Journalism in the Western Balkans were held over the course of the past month. The Program is implemented by the Goethe-Institut on behalf of the European Commission, with its implementing partner DW Academy.

During the online informative session, Goethe-Institute will provide detailed information regarding the Call for International mobility grants to help potential applicants better understand the content and requirements of the Call.

Western Balkan PSM sign Memorandum of Understanding

28. May, Budva, Montenegro – In a significant move to advance public service journalism in the Western Balkans, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by the Director Generals of seven public service broadcasters, in partnership with the Goethe-Institut and DW Akademie.

 © RTCG Ozren Zorgovic

Western Balkan Public Service Media visit DW News and ZDF

Bonn, Mainz (14-20 April, 2024) - As part of the European Union (EU) Program “Innovation. Media. Minds.: Support to Public Service Journalism in Western Balkans” managed by the Goethe Institut on behalf of the European Commission and its implementing partner DW Akademie representatives from six Western Balkan public service media completed a week-long visit to  DW News headquarters in Bonn and ZDF in Mainz from 14 – 19 April 2024.

 © Philipp Boll/DW

  • Kick-Off Meeting in Belgrade, November 2023 © DW / N. Karlić
  • Kick-Off Meeting in Belgrade, November 2023 © DW / N. Karlić
  • Kick-Off Meeting in Belgrade, November 2023 © DW / N. Karlić
  • Kick-Off Meeting in Belgrade, November 2023 © DW / N. Karlić
  • Kick-Off Meeting in Belgrade, November 2023 © DW / N. Karlić
  • Kick-Off Meeting in Belgrade, November 2023 © DW / N. Karlić
  • Kick-Off Meeting in Belgrade, November 2023 © DW / N. Karlić
  • Kick-Off Meeting in Belgrade, November 2023 © DW / N. Karlić
  • Kick-Off Meeting in Belgrade, November 2023 © DW / N. Karlić
  • Kick-Off Meeting in Belgrade, November 2023 © DW / N. Karlić
  • Kick-Off Meeting in Belgrade, November 2023 © DW / N. Karlić

