Beyond the Blue Border

Jenseits der blauen Grenze

Jenseits der blauen Grenze Bild © Jakob Fliedner

Germany / 2024 / 102’ 
In German, with Chinese and English subtitles 

Director: Sarah Neumann
Cast: Lena Urzendowsky, Willi Geitmann, Jannis Veihelmann

GDR, August 1989: Hanna and Andreas became a target of the secret police for challenging authority. Ordered to give up their plans for their future studies and desired professions, their futures were controlled by the state, leaving them with no dreams and prospects. Their only chance for a self-determined life lies in fleeing across the Baltic Sea. Fifty kilometres of water separate them from freedom - and only a thin connecting rope around their wrists saves them from absolute loneliness. Based on Dorit Linke's novel, the film authentically depicts the absurdities of life under East German rule.

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