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Digital Discourses
Ingo Dachwitz (Germany)

Risks, Rights and Rules – The European Approach to Data Regulation

Nearly two years ago the European Union put into effect the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a unified standard for the rules of data-driven society in Europe. This standard applies not only to one of the largest connected data markets of the world but impacts other regions as well. But what are the principles and objectives of the GDPR? And above all: Does it even work? This presentation gives an overview of the core rules of the General Data Protection Regulation and assesses its impact after nearly two years in effect. 

 Ingo Dachwitz Ingo Dachwitz | © Foto: by darjapreuss.com Ingo Dachwitz is an editor at netzpolitik.org. He is a communication scientist who writes, speaks, and podcasts about data politics, monitoring capitalism, and the digital structure change of the public. He is a member of the Digital Society Association and is in the social-ethical Chamber of the Protestant Church of Germany. At the beginning of 2020 he was an expert witness at a hearing of the federal government on its planned data strategy for Germany. 
