Rupa Suara

Rupa Suara workshop was held in December 2023 at GoetheHaus Jakarta, bringing together eight musicians/artists with an interest in immersive audio practices and multimedia composition, co-initiated together by Goethe-Institut with Indra Perkasa and Firzi O.

Rupa Suara © Ashi Adobe Stock


Alexandra Ronodipuro

A digital product designer with a passion for audio-visual exploration, Alexandra Ronodipuro finds her creative outlet in blending sound and visuals. Through the Rupa Suara project, she delves into the world of sound and visual synthesis.

Aldo Ahmad Fithra

Aldo Ahmad, also known as Sipaningkah, is an improviser, sound artist, and instrument maker from Minangkabau, based in Jakarta. His compositions draw from Minangkabau traditions and Western methods, resulting in a wide range of works including electro-acoustic compositions.

Bimo Arsa

Bimo Arsa is a scientific artist, trying to make the world just a little bit more fun, one project at a time. An artist forced to be an engineer due to Asian values, he combines technology and art in his works.

Gabriella Miranda

Gaby started her career as a contemporary jazz pianist. Having participated competitively and won first place on several occasions led her to being called onto bigger stages alongside renowned artists both local and international.

Kinski Tarlazzi

Kinski Onggara marries electronic music with reactive visuals to craft immersive experiences. Hailing from a diverse background, Kinski's journey began as a selftaught musician, swiftly expanding into the realms of visual arts and technology.

Kelvin Djunaidi

Kelvin Djunaidi is a new media artist based in Tangerang. His work often utilizes body movement, realtime interaction, and algorithmic composition. Kelvin also explores artistic approaches by integrating digital technology elements, such as digital synthesis and machine learning, into his creative process.

Lody Andrian

Gowa is the artistic moniker of Jakarta-based electronic composer Lody Andrian. Using music as a narrative medium, Gowa invites listeners to engage with the hidden layers of folklore and the pressing issues of contemporary society.


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