Digital Discourses
Septiaji Eko Nugroho (Indonesia)

Is Content Restriction the “New Normal”?

Not all conversation online can be clearly labelled as harmless or harmful. There are varieties of bullying, persuasion, and provocation where it is extremely difficult to draw the line. Indonesia, for instance, has an umbrella term for all forms of communication it deems undesirable: “negative content”. It encompasses all forms of nudity, which for most European countries is considered benign. In countries like Thailand or Singapore, it is certain political discussions that may be taboo.  

This panel will debate the nuanced views that are held on content restriction: 
free speech yes, but there are limits. Where are the lines drawn and who has the power and legitimacy to police the internet. 

Septiaji Eko Nugroho
Septiaji Eko Nugroho | © Heni Mulyati
Septiaji Eko Nugroho is an entrepreneur. He founded Masyarakat Anti Fitnah Indonesia (MAFINDO) in 2016, a civil society organization that deals with mis/disinformation, with 500 volunteers from 17 cities around Indonesia. Mafindo has also been working together with 24 reputed online media organizations to collaborate on fact-checking on built on Yudistira, an API technology by the Mafindo IT team. Septiaji is also a frequent speaker at seminars and mainstream media events, e.g. on TV and radio broadcasts.
