Different Realities

Different Realities
© Imang Susu

The exhibition in the library of the Goethe-Institut Bandung offers insights into individual image realities of self-representation by nine artists.

Goethe-Institut Bandung

What can the representation or portrayal of one's own self say about the future and the present? As part of the Bandung Photography Triennale, the Goethe-Institut Bandung initiated a "Reel" workshop on the topic of Different Realities in September 2022 together with the artists Sabrina Asche and Eka Noviana. In the workshop, they questioned the individual pictorial realities of the participants through photography and videography. The focus was on self-portrayal in social media. The technical basis was their own cell phone camera.   
Together with the eight participants, the two artists engaged in an intensive process of understanding and reflection and discussed different ideas of identity and its representation. The results of the workshop offered great potential for further development of the theme as well as the eight individual approaches. From mid-October 2022, the participants worked under the direction of Sabrina Asche and in collaboration with Eka Noviana to deepen their positions and jointly developed an exhibition concept.   
The works range from deep self-explorations to deal with different facets of their identit(ies) as a queer person or a Chinese Indo, over a female perspective as a Minang to an experience with Indian ancestors, and a Catholic with Muslim background. Furthermore, individual identity is explored through senses, a near death experience and the acquisition of knowledge.   
For three weeks, the library of the Goethe-Institut Bandung offers an insight into the discussion about different facets and the multi-perspectivity of one's own identit(ies) in the form of short video works, collages and installations. The audience is invited to engage with questions of one's own identit(ies) and its representation through the representation of the self of others.   


Sabrina Asche, Eka Noviana  


Stella Anjani, Sabrina Asche, Fadli Fitriyan, Maria Ludovika, Donna Marietha, Septi Maulina, Eureka Sari, Imang Susu, Annisa Rizka.

More about the artists' biographies


Goethe-Institut Bandung

Pusat Kebudayaan Jerman
Jalan Martadinata 48
Bandung 40115

Language: Indonesian and English
Price: Free


in the Library of Goethe-Institut Bandung