Skilled Workers

Profesional Photo (details): ©

Are you going to Germany to work? With us you will find answers to your questions about the necessary exam and about living and working in Germany.

Video Messages

Video portraits of successful Indonesians in Germany

Germany is recruiting, especially in the MINT area: mathematics, IT, natural science, and technology. Goethe-Institut Jakarta has produced videos depicting the lives of successful Indonesians who, at some point in their lives, have lived and worked in Germany.

In the videos they talk about their work, their leisure activities, their time in Germany, and their current work in Indonesia. They also talk about what they liked about Germany and how they learned German.

Vlog - Langkah Menuju Jerman

The stories and experiences we share will help you get to know Germany better!

Consultations on living and working in Germany are taking place every week on Wednesday and Friday, 10.30am–12.30pm and 4–5pm (WIB) online or on-site in the library of the Goethe-Institut Jakarta. Please register at least 24 hours in advance via consultation form.

Consultations without appointment are available every Friday, 3–4pm (WIB), in the library of the Goethe-Institut Jakarta.

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