Daffa Akbar Pramudya
Dual training in Germany

Daffa Akbar Pramudya: Pflegefachmann © Daffa Akbar Pramudya Nursing specialist

1. Why did you choose this training?

Because I like to help people, especially the elderly and ill. I decided to do this training also because Germany needs medical professionals, and the chances for foreigners to secure a trainee position are relatively high.
2. How did you prepare? And how was the application process?

Prior to my training, I spent 1.5 years in the FSJ program with the aim of improving my German and learning more about German culture. I have already prepared all the required documents in Indonesia for the training. I had to have my school certificate recognized, a process that can take a long time. I waited about 5 months. To apply for a training position in the nursing field, you need a cover letter, a CV, a police certificate of good conduct, recognized certificates, and a level B2 language certificate. The chances of getting a training place are greater if you are already in Germany at the time of application. The employer will be able to conduct personal interviews and can assess you as a trainee candidate directly. In the digital age, everything can be done online: from searching for companies to sending applications for interviews. This makes it possible for trainee applicants to apply from Indonesia. My advice is to apply for many trainee positions.
3. What personal and professional requirements do you think are important for this occupation?

As a trainee, you are responsible for many tasks. Mental and physical readiness are important.
4. What do you learn in the vocational school? How often do you go there?

My first day of training was 1 April 2020. Due to the pandemic, I learned online at home from 1 April to 11 May. I learned anatomy and how to properly care for people. The practical part in the hospital began in June 2020.
5. What tips do you have for Indonesians interested in this training?

A sincere interest in care is very important. Also, patience, endurance and discipline are the keys to successfully completing the training.

6. And after the training? What professional goals do you have?

After completing the training I would like to gain practical experience. I may then continue with further training or study.

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