
Giving Voice to Words (C) Goethe-Institut Irland

Giving Voice to Words

There is power in words. Reading and conversation connect us to each other and open our minds to new perspectives, cultures, and ideas.

Our popular series, Giving Voice to Words, allows us to spark lively conversation by choosing discussion topics inspired by our library collection.

In small groups (max. 4 people), we invite you to engage with the themes provided, share your ideas and opinions, listen to those of others, and make new connections.

The event takes place across 2 hours, with 6 themes provided in total, and you can choose to speak in German or English. You can stay for as long as suits you, for the full two hours or just one hour.

This is a relaxed opportunity to have an interesting chat so don’t feel obliged to discuss every theme. Just use the content we place on your table as a starting point and see where the conversation takes you.

Giving Voice to Words takes place on a Wednesday, 6 pm, once a month, at our library in 37 Merrion Square. No registration is required and the event is free of charge.

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