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Courses for Children and Young Learners

Eine lächelnde junge Frau mit Headset lernt am Laptop.Foto: Getty Images
  • For learners between 4 and 17 years
  • Learning made fun
  • Relevant topics

These courses are designed for children between 4 and 12 years old and young learners between 12 and 17 years old with previous knowledge as well as for beginners.

Placement test

Test your german
Children: We offer to meet new students together with their parents before the start of the course at the institute. You will get to know the teachers and our teaching concept and we can place your children in the most suitable course. 

If you would like to enrol your child for the next course start, please send us an email or call us: german-dublin@goethe.de / 016801110

Young Learners: We ask new students to enquire about our regular assessment test. A short oral interview with a teacher is part of this test.

Our courses

Two kids looking at a phone © Goethe-Institut Irland

Coding & Deutsch

Provide children and young people with a well-founded look into the world of programming whilst simultaneously teaching them German. 

Mädchen in einem Klassenzimmer © Colourbox

Courses for Children

Children learn German in selected small groups in a playful way and without pressure. Our courses are aimed at children and young learners aged 4 to 12.

Children playing in the courtyard at Goethe-Institut Irland in the sunshine (C) Goethe-Institut Irland

Camps for Children

Learn and play in German! Children enjoy exciting projects, arts and crafts and fun games at our camps. Courses are designed for the language levels advanced beginner as well as billinguals, aged 5-9 years.

Young Learners (C) Goethe-Institut Irland

Young Learners' Courses

Our Young Learners Courses are suitable for young learners from the age of 11-14 who have lived in a German speaking country or have a German speaking parent.

Children's Courses in Cork © Molly Keane

Children's Courses in Cork

In 2025, we will offer courses for children in Cork. The courses are aimed at bilingual children and children with previous knowledge of German. Classes take place on Saturdays, with two groups for 4-6 year olds, and one group for 7-9 year olds.

two young people © Colourbox

Hybrid Young Learners' Course

Our standard courses are suitable for young learners from the age of 12 in secondary school up to the Leaving Certificate with or without prior knowledge.

Leaving Certificate German (C) Goethe-Institut Irland

German for Senior Cycle

Does your German need a boost, and are you a student going into 5th/6th Year? Our two-week summer course will consolidate your knowledge and help you speak, read and write more fluently, and prepare for the exams.

Any questions?
Monday-Thursday 1.30pm – 6.30pm
Friday 10.00am – 2.00pm
+353 1 6801110
Get in touch: german-dublin@goethe.de