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Lambert, playing piano, and Nava, playing string instruments, at 37 Merrion Square(C) Adrian O'Connell

Experience Culture

We promote cultural exchange between Germany and Ireland. We initiate film series, exhibitions, concerts, seminars, and festivals which further joint artistic production, reception, and reflection.

Studio Quantum with blue and grey design © Eps51

Studio Quantum

"Studio Quantum" is a new international artist-in-residence programme from the Goethe-Institut, exploring emerging quantum technologies through the lens of art.
The residency and accompanying event series will examine important ethical and ecological questions around the impact of quantum technologies. 

Sussuration (C) Goethe-Institut Irland

Visual Arts
Creative Pathways

Crowd Banner © Goethe-Institut London

Theatre, Dance & Music
CROWD: International Dance Exchange

CROWD – international dance exchange is a collaborative network of dance organisations, together seeking to support dance makers who engage with communities as part of their practice.

Heinrich Böll Residency © Goethe-Institut Irland

Literature & Translation
Heinrich Böll Residency

The Heinrich Böll Association offers residencies at the Heinrich Böll Cottage to artists of all disciplines, writers and composers.

Logo Hiberno Goethe German Irish Conversations © Goethe-Institut

Film & Podcast
Podcast Hiberno Goethe

This Podcast dives into the many colours of arts, language and life across cultures. St. Pauli fan and former Düsseldorfer Ciarán Murray and his guests explore the connecting moments of German and Irish life.

Operation Shamrock (C) Goethe-Institut Irland

Operation Shamrock

The Goethe-Institut Irland is delighted to support the publication of “The Children from Operation Shamrock – Historical Context, Testimonies and Fictionalized Memory Fragments” by Monica Brandis.


Past Projects

Interested in finding out more about our previous programmes? Here you can browse through our archive.

Title of the Exhibition: DÉAD and title of the programme: Creative Pathways. On green-black design Goethe-Institut Irland, Robert Mirolo


Creative Pathways - Immersive art exhibition DÉAD* celebrates legacy of Dracula and Nosferatu.

Creative Arts Programme (C) Goethe-Institut Irland


The Creative Arts Programme is an project of the Trinity Access Programme in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Irland and partners from the cultural scene for students who are between school and further education.

Archivbild Städelschule (C) Archiv Städelschule, Photo: Walter Krankel

The German School

A series of exhibitions by the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Städelschule Frankfurt and the Goethe-Institut Irland.

Eine Illustration von POC-Kindern mit Buchstaben, die das Wort DRIN bilden © EL BOUM

DRIN - Visions for Children's Literature

Children’s books shape the world view we grow up with. Does children’s literature in Germany, Finland and other (Northern) European countries today reflect the increasingly diverse societies in which we live, or does it make a growing proportion of the young population invisible?

A hand holds a smartphone, on its screen a bookshelf can be seen Goethe-Institut | created with Canva | CC BY 4.0

Emerging International Voices

They are young, they are bold and they are connected – and are they the future of our libraries. 19 emerging international voices discuss the role of digital libraries – and digital technologies in libraries – in their countries. Join the discussion and participate in a series of online seminars with the best experts in the field. 

Buildings at night, among them the logo of the Goethe-Institut, the Irish National Opera and the Royal Irish Academy of Music © Goethe-Institut Irland/Fionn McCann

INO Studio Artists and RIAM Students: German Course at Goethe-Institut Irland

Irish National Opera, Royal Irish Academy of Music & Goethe-Institut have teamed up to create a new German language course designed specifically for aspiring opera singers and musicians.

Path in the Irish National War Memorial Gardens Park Goethe-Institut / Eugene Langan

Voices of Memory

Voices of Memory. A Riverside Sound Art Installation at the Irish National War Memorial Gardens by Christina Kubisch is a contemporary remembrance of the more than 49,000 Irish people who died in the First World War.
