Boryana Rossa

Boryana Rossa Curtesy of the Artist

(b. Sofia, 1972)

Boryana Rossa Ph.D. is an interdisciplinary artist and curator who lives and works between Sofia and New York. Her works are on the cross-section of electronic and biological arts, film, video, and performance and centering around technology, gender, and the living bodies. 

Professor in the Department of Film and Media Arts, Syracuse, University, NY.  In 2004 together with the artist and filmmaker Oleg Mavromatti, Rossa established UTRAFUTURO–an international group of artists engaged with issues of technology, science, and their social implications. In 2012 Rossa finished her doctorate entitled “Post Cold-War Gender Performances,” Department of Arts, at Rensselaer, Troy, NY. Co-director of Sofia Queer Forum, together with philosopher Stanimir Panayotov.  In 2017 co-established the Bio-Art Research Coalition of Syracuse together with Dr. Hehnly (Syracuse University, NY).
Her works were shown at the Brooklyn Museum, NY;  MUMOK, Vienna; Zacheta Gallery, Warsaw;  National Gallery of Fine Arts, Sofia; 1st Balkan Biennale, Thessaloniki; Kunstwerke and Akademie der Kunste, Berlin; The 1st Moscow Biennial; Beijing Media Art Biennial, China; GARAGE Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow; Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona, Spain and are part of collections such as Kontakt. The Art Collection of Erste Bank-Group, Sofia City Art Gallery, Thessaloniki Museum of Contemporary Art, Brooklyn Museum, NY etc.  

Boryana Rossa, Madonna of the External Silicone Breast © Courtesy of the Artist | Image: Patrick Sopko