Regina José Galindo

Regina José Galindo © Isla Perez

Regina José Galindo (1974) is a visual artist and poet, who uses her body as her main means of work through performance and more recently in collective actions.

Galindo lives and works in Guatemala, her native country, using her own context as a starting point to explore and denounce the ethical implications of social violence and injustices related to racial and gender discrimination, as well as human rights abuses. coming from the endemic inequalities in the power relations of contemporary societies. It has always been characterized by a vast production that seeks to generate in thought a critical point that points out, denounces, and commits to judgment the different actions of abuse to which different social groups are subjected, but which have been normalized through the years and the silence that she breaks. 

Galindo received the Golden Lion award for Best Young Artist at the 51st Venice Biennale (2005), in 2011 he received the Prince Claus Award of the Netherlands and recently received the Robert Rauschenberg Award from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts.

Galindo has participated in different artistic events of great importance such as the 49th, 53rd, and 54th Venice Biennales; Documenta 14 in Athens and Kassel, at the 9th International Biennial of Cuenca, the 29th Biennial of Graphic Arts in Ljubljana, the Shanghai Biennial (2016), the Pontevedra Biennial (2010), the 17th Sydney Biennial, the 2nd Biennial of Moscow, 1st Auckland Triennale, The Venice-Istanbul Exhibition, The 1st Biennial of Art and Architecture of the Canary Islands, the 4th Valencia Biennial, the 3rd Albanian Biennial, the 2nd Prague Biennial, and the 3rd Lima Biennial, among others.
Regina José Galindo, PRESENCIA (Guatemala - Greece – Spain)

Regina José Galindo, PRESENCIA (Guatemala - Greece – Spain), Performance (photo documentation), 2017 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Künstlers | Bild: Ameno Córdova