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Max Mueller Bhavan | India New Delhi

Joshua Groß

Joshua Groß was born in Grünsberg in 1989. He has studied political science, economics, and the ethics of text cultures. In 2018 he was invited to participate in the literature festival in Klagenfurt.  He received the Anna Seghers prize in 2019.

Joshua Groß© Charlotte Krusche

Meet The Author

What do you imagine when you think of south Asia? 
I think of deers in the glowy pacific dust of Trincomalee, Sri Lanka.
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? 
For me, it's both utopic and precarious to write, but I can't say that there was this moment of realisation.
What do you like to do when you are not writing? 
I like to watch sports.
A memory during writing the book you want to share.
When I reach about 60% of a book, the struggle changes in a nice way.
Do you believe in writer’s block? 

Previous Works

Entkommen: Matthes & Seitz Berlin (2021), Flexen in Miami: Roman Matthes & Seitz Berlin (2020), Wir wurden kosmisch Fürth: Starfruit Publications (2019), Mindstate Malibu Fürth: Starfruit Publications (2018), Flauschkontraste: Korbinian Verlag (2017), Faunenschnitt: Roman Fürth: Starfruit Publications (2016), Paradox, zwischen zwei Hügeln SuKuLTuR, (2016)
