Mr. Zed's Reflections

Hans Magnus Enzensberger

Engl. (Ind.)

Mr. Zed's Reflections
Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Translation: Wieland Hoban
Kalkutta, Seagull Books 2015
144 pages


Herrn Zetts Betrachtungen, oder Brosamen, die er fallen ließ, aufgelesen von seinen Zuhörern
Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Berlin, Suhrkamp Verlag 2013
226 pages

Every afternoon, Mr Zed comes to the same spot in the city park and engages passers-by with quick-witted repartee. He undermines arrogance, megalomania and false authority. A determined speaker who doesn’t care for ambitions, he forces topics that others would rather keep to themselves. He sees absolutely nothing as “non-negotiable”, he admits mistakes and does away with judgement.
Collected here are the considerations and provocations of this park-bench philosopher, in a volume of truths and conversations that are clear-cut and sceptical.

Link to Onleihe
