Photo (Detail): picture alliance/AP Images

Friederike Mayröcker

(born 20.12.1924 in Vienna, died 04.06.2021 in Vienna) writer. 

Friederike Mayröcker worked as an English teacher at various secondary schools. Her poems were first published in the Viennese magazine Plan. Since 1954 she had a close friendship with the poet Ernst Jandl, later she became his partner. In 1956 her first book of poems Larifari: Ein konfuses Buch was published. In addition to a large number of poems, she also wrote short stories and radio plays. Friederike Mayröcker has been awarded a large number of prizes, such as the Great Austrian State Prize for Literature (1982), the Georg Büchner Prize (2001) and the Austrian Book Prize (2016). In 2021, her volume da ich morgens und moosgrün. Ans Fenster trete (2020) received a nomination for the Leipzig Book Prize. It was her last work published during her lifetime. 

Wikipedia Friederike Mayröcker DE

Wikipedia Friederike Mayröcker EN

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