Photo (Detail): dpa - Fotoreport

Hugo Loetscher

(born 22.12.1929 in Zurich, died 18.08.2009 in Zurich), writer, journalist.

Hugo Loetscher studied philosophy, sociology and literature in Zurich and Paris and worked as a literary critic and editor for various media. He travelled extensively, especially to Brazil, and was a guest lecturer in many countries. In 1960, Hugo Loetscher's only play Schichtwechsel premiered at the Schauspielhaus Zurich. Three years later, his first novel was published with the title Abwässer. Ein Gutachten. He also wrote a volume of poetry, essays and other novels. Hugo Loetscher received the Grand Schiller Prize of the Swiss Schiller Foundation and the Cruzeiro do Sul for his services to Brazilian culture. 

Wikipedia Hugo Loetscher DE

Wikipedia Hugo Loetscher EN

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