Photo (detail): © picture-alliance / dpa

Annemarie Schwarzenbach

(born 23 May 1908 in Zurich, Switzerland; died 15 November 1942 in Sils, Switzerland); writer, photographer

Annemarie Schwarzenbach studied history in Paris and Zurich. She started by writing journalistic and literary texts and published her debut novel, Freunde um Bernhard (Bernhard's Circle) in 1931. Schwarzenbach travelled widely as a journalist and spent extended periods abroad, in countries such as Afghanistan and Persia as well. Many of her photographs were taken on these trips. The book, Das glückliche Tal (The Happy Valley) (1939), was followed by several novellas, narratives, reportage and feuilletons.  Following her untimely death in an accident, many of her photographs, letters and other texts were published posthumously.

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