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Max Mueller Bhavan | India

Sudhir Ambasana | Video
Scale in the Visual World

The artwork focuses on the theme of freedom by means of inversion in the pandemic/post-pandemic world where reality is seemingly stratified and intangible.

Sudhir Ambasana

about the project

The project focuses on the theme of freedom by means of inversion. It talks about isolation to a greater degree. A constant occupation in everyday domesticity is hyper-realized via a mediation of movement through various objects, objects that surrounds us and that which makes our everyday perception of reality more perpetual. These objects are in many ways palpable by means of a digital screen, an image so to speak. It is only through the consumption of these images we somehow navigate through the real, the visual world. This has been more and more evident in the contemporary conditions of social isolation and domestic occupancy. The artwork is one such extract of interiority in the pandemic/post-pandemic world where reality is seemingly stratified and intangible. Scale as a parameter helps us understand how materiality is almost fluid and what forms of transformation an object can go through before becoming something totally irrelevant.

The overall drama is set within a domestic interior filled with everyday objects of occupation and consumption. This video work aims to explore spatial temporality through fabricating relations with the subject - the subject as a cognitive being, as opposed to a sensorial construct, in this case, marked with a perspectival cone of view. The ‘relative’ characteristics of scale are further emphasized by phenomenal scaling up/down of objects corresponding to the movement in and around them. It is the shift in scale of these objects that mediates our relation with them into architectural concerns of spatiality and function.

The interest of producing this video work was developed through a series of experiments conducted on the notion of scale, as understood within the arts and architecture through the use of photogrammetry as a technique of digital re-construction.
