Awaaz Sri Lanka
The first film in the series features two distinct voices from Sri Lanka. Rathya is a Tamil music composer, lyricist and rapper who explores identity in her work, and Sinhalese rapper Zany Inzane, known for speaking hard truths in his lyrics.
Awaaz Pakistan
The second film in this series features Dr. Taimur Rahman, a Pakistani Marxist academic, musician and political activist. He is an associate professor of political science at the Lahore University of Management Sciences, general secretary of the Mazdoor Kissan Party of Pakistan, and has been leading a grassroots musical campaign against religious extremism in Pakistan called Music for Peace for the past five years. Taimur is the lead guitarist and spokesperson for the socialist music group Laal.
Awaaz Iran
The third film in the series features Roody, a 22-year old MC and multi-disciplinary artist from West Tehran. Roody’s work echoes the socio-political realities of Iran, a country where being a female rapper in itself is an act of resistance. Roody’s powerful body of work has established her as one of the most prolific female hip-hop artists in the Iranian contemporary music scene.
Awaaz India
The final film in the series features Roy, a tri-lingual rapper and a visual artist currently based out of New Delhi. Roy uses the subversive, trans-continental form of hip-hop to articulate ongoing contemporary political anxieties in India. As an artist working with sound, text and image, he is able to tap into a range of sensibilities while defying them all.