... answers
For me, the difference between travel photography and travel drawing is...
"... the engagement with a place. While I also enjoy taking photographs – and I take many – when drawing you are in a quieter space and are more aware of details, people, sound and smell. You spend more time in one place, you’re not just rushing through. Plus: you usually have highly amusing encounters with the people who watch you as you draw."
When I draw...
"... I try to reproduce what I see in a way that enables the viewer to develop a feeling for the place. From atmosphere and mood to things such as temperature."
Inspirations on my ‘travels’ have been, above all...
"... the drawings of Christophe Blain, Emmanuel Lepage and Jacques Ferrandez."
I would like to travel...
"... to Uzbekistan to capture its unique architecture and completely alien culture."
My reading for my next trip will include the new novel by Ian McEwan, and literature that prepares me for the country I am visiting.