For City Explorers

   ©   City Explorers

Reinhard Kleist travels to workshops around the world for the Goethe-Institut. This led to numerous travel sketches in which he processes his own impressions and experiences. In 2015, among other destinations, Belarus was on his program.

Extracts from "Travel sketches from Minsk":

  • Reinhard Kleist: Reiseskizzen aus Minsk © Reinhard Kleist

  • Reinhard Kleist: Reiseskizzen aus Minsk © Reinhard Kleist

  • Reinhard Kleist: Reiseskizzen aus Minsk © Reinhard Kleist

  • Reinhard Kleist: Reiseskizzen aus Minsk © Reinhard Kleist

  • Reinhard Kleist: Reiseskizzen aus Minsk © Reinhard Kleist

About the artist Reinhard Kleist:

When Reinhard Kleist draws, he tries to reproduce what he sees in a way that enables the viewer to develop a feeling for the place. From atmosphere and mood to things such as temperature.

Travelpedia: Minsk

  • Minsk © Reinhard Kleist

    Komarovsky Market: This former traditional marketplace has been completely modernised. Meat is now kept in refrigerators and everything is in jolly good shape. Despite having lost its old-world charm, this is still a great place to come and shop for local products.

Marie Schröer on Travel Sketches from Minsk

Eight images provide those of us unacquainted with White Russia with a first impression of the city and its inhabitants."


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