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Max Mueller Bhavan | India

PASCH-Youth Courses (JuKu)

As part of the initiative "Schools: Partners for the Future" (PASCH), the Goethe-Institut organizes international youth courses for students from PASCH-Schools around the world. 

Every year, around 1,000 scholarship holders from over 100 nations, who have distinguished themselves at their schools through very good performance and high motivation, come together to learn German in international communities.

The focus of the youth courses are German classes by qualified teachers according to the language level of the learners but entertainment and cultural programs are also taken care of. The participants engage with important and current topics that exceed the scope of regular German lessons.

During the youth courses, scholarship holders have the unique experience of learning German in an international learning community.

They network with German learners from all over the world and - thanks to the Young Ambassadors program – with students from Germany who accompany the courses.
In 2020, PASCH-Students from all over the world came together to learn German. However, during Corona, the lessons and international project work took place exclusively online. They shared their experiences with the world on the youth course blog.

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The PASCH Youth Courses 2022 Blog

Im Blog erfährt ihr, was Stipendiat*innen in den PASCH-Jugendkursen erleben.

Video-Testimonials of the indian participants

Arushi Tyagi © Arushi Tyagi

Ahlcon International School
Arushi Tyagi

Ira Mujral © Ira Mujral

Vivek High School
Ira Mujral

Noordeep Singh © Noordeep Singh

Paragon Senior Secondary School
Noordeep Singh

Pia Gandhi © Pia Gandhi

Springdales School
Pia Gandhi

Twisha Oberoi © Twisha Oberoi

Bal Bharati Public School
Twisha Oberoi

Vanshika Dhall © Vanshika Dhall

Uttam School for Girls
Vanshika Dhall
