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Max Mueller Bhavan | India

Kreative Woche© Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan

Creative Minds

The Creative Workshop-Week in the Library

17.04 - 21.04.2023

What do we actually mean when we talk about creativity? Being creative means creating something new that is original or useful. The pleasure of the work plays a greater role than the actual product at the end. This is exactly what we intend to do with you in April at our institute. We want to lure your creativity so that you become creative Minds. 

From 17.04 to 21.04.2023 we invite German learners from our partner schools to the CREATIVE MINDS - the Workshop-Week, in our library. Together we want to find our artistic vein and have a lot of fun. Every day we offer an interactive and exciting workshop. From drawing to literature to the art of baking. There is something for everyone.

Our programme


Monday, 17.04

Germany is certainly famous in particular for the art of baking. German bread, German biscuits and other delicacies are very popular all over the world. But baking is not that difficult. Try it out for yourself and take part in our workshop. Together we will bake pretzels.

Expert: Michael Schmid (Brown Bread Bakery and Organic Food)


Tuesday, 18.04

This workshop will take the kids on a roller coaster ride of stories, drama, music, raps, theatrical movements, fun, smiles, laughter and lots of action in a 90 minutes high energies workshop full of fantasies, creativity, imagination and an unforgettable journey from a real to the not so real world, from a desi Indian to the bidesi German world.
Kamal Pruthi


Mittwoch, 19.04
Juggle with words

When used correctly, letters, words and sentences can have a magical effect. Writing is simply a very special art. We want to write together with you, and of course in German. Afterwards, your texts can even be published in our institute's student newspaper. 

Expert: Matthias Dünnwald

Digital Tools

Thursday, 20.04
Moving Images

Mobile phones and tablets are the multitasking gadgets of our time. There is nothing that can't be done with these devices. In our workshop, you can playfully experience how easy it is to create digital creations.

Expert: Priyam Gupta

Digital Drawing

Friday, 21.04
Magic in a Matchbox

Playing around with art that exists around all of us is something that brings magic to the mundane; through the workshop, we will explore all the bits and bobbles that make a matchbox layout, how it changed over time just like everything around us, and how we can make a matchbox for ourselves and hide a piece of what sparks our fire inside of it. An interactive workshop to explore techniques like layouts, collage, colour theory, and copywriting, all folded into a pocket-sized matchbox.

Expert: Mehek Malhotra

Details at a glance

Who can participate? 

The workshops are aimed at German learners at our partner schools in classes 7-10.

When do the workshops take place? 

We offer two workshops on the same topic every day. The first workshop starts at 9:00 am, the second starts at 11:00 am.


All workshops take place in the library of the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan New Delhi. The address is: 3 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi 110001.

How can I register? 

Registration can only be done by the German teachers at the schools. 

For questions and comments, please contact our colleagues shilpa.sharma@goethe.de and matthias.duennwald@goethe.de by email at any time.
