Grünes Diplom

Grünes Diplom © Goethe-Institut

The “Grünes Diplom” is the standard basic qualification for teachers of German as a Foreign language at Goethe-Instituts worldwide. On completion of this programme you are eligible to teach “German as a foreign language” from the level A1 to B1 at the Goethe-Instituts outside Germany. The programme is made up of four phases:

Phase 1: A practicum with seminars, classroom observation and microteaching
Phase 2: A consolidation on the basis of the programme Deutsch Lehren Lernen
Phase 3: A cultural seminar (for non-native speakers)
Phase 4: Specific contents for the Goethe-Institut (Prüferzertifikat, Module „Digitale Medien im DaF-Unterricht“).

During the programme the trainee teachers have to conduct two evaluated demonstration lessons of 90 minutes each.

The duration of the training depends upon the individual pre-qualification.


  • Bachelor’s degree (in any field)
  • German Language Proficiency C1-level

The training Programme fee is INR 50,000 a onetime payment after the intial phase of the course.
You are not entitled to any refund of the fee in case you are not able to continue with the programme.

If you are interested in teaching at the Goethe-Institut Bangalore, please write to with your résumé in German and your certificates.