conference Jumpstart 2018 - Day 1

Jumptstart 2018 © German Book Office New Delhi

Tue, 27.11.2018

9:45 AM - 6:30 PM

Gallery MMB

India's annual conference for children's content creators

We live in an era where the world is a village and boundaries have no meaning. For creators of content, this means an explosion of opportunities. Audiences come from any part of the world. New content delivery mediums fuel new forms of content; changing social values prod us towards new themes for their stories. Numbers and data map these choices, yet the future remains uncharted.

Celebrating its 10th anniversary it is only fitting for Jumpstart to lay bare the new frontiers of content as it brings together publishers, authors, digital evangelists, edupreneurs, parents, teachers, librarians and exponents of kid’s media to peep into the minds of this digital generation. 

Day One:

Internet adventures and innovations in the book world | Understanding content creation and consumption of young adults |Breaking away from the usual: audiobooks, non-fiction for kids, AR-VR | Know your rights! Rights and Licensing Sessions for creators and publishers |Pitch-Present-Produce at Networking Mixer

The Panel
Cornelia Funke | Leigh Hobbs | Meredith Costain | Yuval Gozansky | Aljosha Blau | Boris Pfeiffer | Madhuri Purandare | Sowmya Rajendran | Sampurna Chattarji | Shabnam Minwalla | Angela Schaaf de Lavado | Sarah Larter | Shantanu Duttagupta | Naveen Valsakumar | Yogesh Dashrath | Munjal Shroff | | Lubaina Bandukwala | Neel Debdutt Paul | Karan Raj Koohli | Shreyansh Pandey | Tina Narang | Manisha Chaudhry
German Book Office, New Delhi

Registration fees
– INR 4000 (both days)
Email: (for queries and group bookings)
