Image-making workshop METAMORPHOSIZING KAFKA

100 Years of Kafka © Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan

Thu, 06.06.2024

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Embassy of the Czech Republic, New Delhi

100 Years of Kafka

At the heart of all good prose are images that distinctly strike the mind. In this workshop, participants will be immersed into Franz Kafka’s short prose to depict his surreal, enigmatic literary world as images. They will choose from three stories, which will be announced in advance. 

This unique workshop invites participants to transform Kafka's narratives into captivating visual stories. Drawing inspiration from Kafka’s themes of absurdity, alienation, and metamorphosis, participants will interpret the story literally or figuratively, turning narrative into graphic art.
Day: Thursday, 06 June 2024
Time: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Venue: Embassy of the Czech Republic, New Delhi

Target Audience

Artists, graphic designers, illustrators, literature enthusiasts, educators, and anyone interested in the fusion of literature and visual arts.

Workshop Objectives

  • Explore Kafka's literary themes through graphic interpretation.
  • Enhance skills in translating textual concepts into visual narratives.
  • Learn techniques for effective visual storytelling and composition.

Key Learnings

  • Interpret literary ideas visually, creating graphic representations of Kafka's narratives.
  • Develop artistic skills in character design, symbolism, and narrative composition.
  • Engage in collaborative creative expression within a supportive workshop environment.
  • Discover the process of publishing graphic narratives online.
  • Gain insights into copyright and artistic ownership in visual storytelling.
  • Explore cultural and philosophical dimensions of Kafka's writing through art.

About the facilitator

Anand Shenoy © Anand Shenoy Anand Shenoy is a cartoonist and visual artist based in Delhi. His practice primarily involves making and self-publishing comics, and he’s currently serializing his one-person anthology ‘Zoo’. ​​​​​

Bonus: The Kafka Exhibitions

Be sure to visit the exhibitions COMPLETELY KAFKA in cooperation with the artist Nicolas Mahler and the Literaturhaus Stuttgart, and FRANZ KAFKA AND PRAGUE, which will be on view at the the Embassy of the Czech Republic from 5 - 6 June, and at the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan New Delhi from 7-8 June, marking our celebration of Kafka Jubilee.
