Shamla and Januki from Sri Lanka have a strong message for #OnlineViolence perpetrators.
“Victim blaming worsens a person’s online experience- so PLEASE BE KIND ONLINE”. Learn how to identify and fight against #OnlineViolence and become #WebFighter.
You are not alone. Online violence happens to many children and youth around the world. Speak out against it!
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Thank you Ayushi from India, for taking a firm stand on #OnlineViolence against children and youth!
If you experience victim blaming, here’s what you can do.
You are not alone. Online violence happens to many children and youth around the world. Speak out against it!
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Taha from Pakistan firmly stand against Online Violence. Did you know that #OnlineViolence happens through online games as well? Read our #WebFighter Guide for tips to stay safe!
If you are a victim of #Online Violence – you are not alone. Online Violence happens to many children and youth around the world.
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