TV-Conference © © Goethe-Institut Bangkok INPUT Bangkok © Goethe-Institut Bangkok

INPUT Bangkok 2019

In 2019 INPUT will travel to Asia in Sri Lanka’s direct neighborhood. The conference will take part in Bangkok (INPUT Bangkok) from 6th to the 10th May upon the invitation of Thai PBS, Thailand’s young public broadcaster founded in 2008. Personal Registration for the conference is possible now.

The INPUT  (INternational PUblic Television Conference) continues with its fifth edition. In the last months well over 200 productions have been uploaded from all corners of the world. The 12 Moderators for INPUT 2019 have prepared a various programme for INPUT 2019 in Bangkok. New trends, inspiring ideas, courageous attempts of public broadcasting constitute the conference programme that will reflect what is going on in the world of television around the globe.  This year’s special focus is on the topics fiction, factual (Investigative journalism, cultural, entertainment), Cross Media and young audiences from birth to legal age (web or tv only, cross media).

After the opening on the 6th May the sessions and discussions will run from 7th until 10th May 2019, between 9:30 am and 7:30 pm. Participants can choose between three sessions running parallel, the detailed conference programme will be published at the beginning of April.
Personal Registration for the conference is possible now, we are looking forward to seeing you there.
For this year’s INPUT in Bangkok six productions from Sri Lanka were submitted to the National Coordinator INPUT Athula Disanayaka.
© Goethe-Institut Bangkok
