Naoko Hosoi

Naoko Hosoi Photo: Goethe-Institut Korea/OZAK Naoko Hosoi studied German at the Keio University in Tokyo and earned there her master's degree. She then continued her studies in the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Education at the University of Cologne. 

After her return to Japan in 2002, she taught German at various universities in Tokyo, Yokohama and Nagoya, and also worked as a freelance translator. In 2011 she took part in a training course for German teachers at the Goethe Institut in Munich. Her chief interest in translation work lies in current German-language literature and children's and youth literature. 

From 2017 to March 2019 she lived with her family in Zurich. Today, Naoko Hosoi lives in Yokohama.

selected translations

Osamu Nishitani: Wunderland der Unsterblichkeit (co-translated from the Japanese original into German). Iudicium, 2015

Cornelia Funke: Drachenreiter. Wave Publishers, 2003

Carl Gustav Jung: Traumanalyse II (co-translator). Jinbun Shoin, 2002

Cornelia Funke: Herr der Diebe. Wave Publishers, 2002

Ann Cotten: Clouds und frühe Monde (excerpt). Translated for Internationales Symposium und die Autorenlesung

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