Dance Performance and Presentation
"PRISMA" choreographed and performed live by Elisabeth Schilling

Prisma keyvisual
Foto: Candy Welz

a choreographic interpretation of György Ligeti’s Etudes for Piano

Goethe-Institut Boston

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of György Ligeti's birth, choreographer and dancer Elisabeth Schilling performs her work PRISMA to a live performance of György Ligeti’s Etudes for Piano by pianist Stephen Drury. After an intermission, Schilling shares her choreographic process and how Ligeti’s music and his working methodologies have formed her approach to movement. Her presentation will include video excerpts from her work HEAR EYES MOVE Dances with Ligeti for five dancers and visual materials from her artistic research.

PRISMA is a choreographic interpretation of the Etudes for Piano by Hungarian composer György Ligeti. Originally created as a 20min version for Monodrama Festival Luxembourg 2019, then titled Sketches with Ligeti, and subsequent touring to Kunstfest Weimar, Wonder Woman Festival Tuscany and Tanz*Hotel Vienna, Elisabeth extended the 20 mins solo to a full evening work throughout 2022 and 2023 in residencies at Spam! Italy, City Moves Dance Agency Aberdeen, An Lanntair Stornoway and Tanzhaus Zürich, R.E.D. Norway. The creation focuses on the two first books of Etudes for piano by György Ligeti.

Elisabeth Schilling © Elisabeth Schilling Elisabeth Schilling Elisabeth Schilling
Elisabeth Schilling
is a dancer and choreographer. In close collaboration with an international team and across various collaborations, she develops transdisciplinary projects between movement, design, the visual arts, and music, making the disciplines dance among themselves and with each other.
Elisabeth Schilling’s transdisciplinary dance projects are characterised by a complex movement language developed through her longterm research into textures and sounds. With a specific interest in contemporary music, they are often created in close connection to or inspired by a musical score and a particular design idea.
In 2016, Elisabeth Schilling founded her company in Luxembourg, and ever since, her work has been touring, with almost 230 performances in 19 countries to date. Since May 2022, Elisabeth is ‘Associate Artist’ at Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg.

Special thanks to Boston Dance Theater for their generous support in bringing Elisabeth Schilling to Boston.

Stephen Drury © © Drury Stephen Drury © Drury
Stephen Drury
has given performances throughout the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Latin America, soloing with orchestras from San Diego to Bucharest. A prize winner in several competitions, including the Concert Artists Guild, Affiliate Artists, and Carnegie Hall/Rockefeller competitions, his repertoire stretches from Bach, Mozart, and Liszt to the music of today.
A champion of 20th-century music, Drury’s critically acclaimed performances range from the piano sonatas of Charles Ives to works by John Cage and György Ligeti. He premiered the solo part of John Cage’s 101 with the BSO and gave the first performance of John Zorn’s concerto for piano and orchestra Aporias with Dennis Russell Davies and the Cologne Radio Symphony. He has commissioned new works from Cage, Zorn, Terry Riley, Lee Hyla, and Chinary Ung.
Drury is on the piano and conducting faculty at New England Conservatory and assumed directorship of NEC’s Enchanted Circle concert series in 1997. He created and directs NEC’s Summer Institute for Contemporary Piano Performance.


Goethe-Institut Boston

170 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02116

+1 (617) 893-5498
Part of series György Ligeti at 100