Racism. Structural problems need structural solutions

Lecture with Natasha A. Kelly

Followed by a conversation between Natasha A. Kelly and Priscilla Layne!

The Black German community has been pointing out for decades that racism permeates all structures of our society. In the public debate, however, people still look for a patent solution on an individual level. But only when we understand the structural dimension of racism can we develop promising measures against it, because structural problems need structural solutions. 


Based on her new book, communication sociologist Dr. Natasha A. Kelly creates a long overdue foundation for informed dialogue about structural racism. Using concrete examples from practice, she will then discuss with Prof. Priscilla Layne (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill) where the structures of institutional racism run and how it has also inscribed itself in German Studies in the USA, thus providing elementary impulses for a productive discussion.

Speaker: Dr. Natasha A. Kelly is an expert on Black German history, anti-racism and Black feminism. She made her film debut in 2018 with "Milli's Erwachen," and her directorial debut in 2019 with "Afrokultur." In 2020, she expanded her field of research to include visions of Afrofuturism with her publication project "The Comet." Her Spiegel bestseller "Racism, Structural Problems Need Structural Solutions" was published in April 2021; in August 2021 the second edition of her anthology "Sisters and Souls", which forms the basis of her empowerment theater project "M(a)y Sisters". She is currently Max Kade Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Rhode Island.

Saturday, 4th Dec. 2021
5:30 PM Central Time

Theresa Fuchs (Expertin für Unterricht, Goethe-Institut Chicago)
Dr. Karina Lammert (DAAD-Lektorin, University of Rhode Island)
