Queer as German Folk

Demonstration gegen § 218, Westberlin, um 1974
Demonstration against § 218, Westberlin, around 1974 | © Anke-Rixa Hansen (Vedant).

50 Years of Transatlantic Rainbow Friendship

several venues

Playful, committed and colorful like the queer movement itself: Starting at the end of May 2019, eight Goethe-Institutes in North America and the Schwules Museum in Berlin will present the exhibition Queer as German Folk. From more than 100 digitized exhibits, the exhibition will be created "on demand" at any desired location, enriched with local components. Documents and archive materials become objects that form ordered or anarchic installations and invite the public to interact.

The local component of the exhibition, Mapping Queer Chicago: Past and Present looks to the past and the present to contextualize Chicago as a city with a rich queer history. It aims to decentralize queer history beyond the established queer enclaves of “Boystown” and position it with the Latinx and Black queer experience in the city of Chicago Mapping Queer Chicago: Past and Present begins a conversation that is reminiscent of Chicago’s queer experiences while also acknowledging that many past and present queer sites and spaces are yet to be mapped.

Coming Out
© DEFA Stiftung
Leather Archives and Museum will screen COMING OUT during the duration of the exhibition, thanks to the generous support of DEFA Stiftung Berlin and DEFA Film Archives, Amherst.

At the same time, Chicago Filmmakers presents a series of films from Edition Salzgeber's collection to celebrate the distributor's  35th anniversary.

Exhibition Locations ©    Exhibition Locations
From June 1 through June 28, 2019, the exhibition will be shown at:
Packingtown Museum at The Plant, 1400 W. 46th St., Chicago, IL 60609,
Saturdays 12 noon - 5:00pm, additional hours with reservations
The Leather Archives and Museum, 6418 N Greenview Ave., Chicago IL, 60626
Wednesday, 11am - 5pm, Thursday: 11am - 7pm, Friday: 11am - 7pm
Saturday: 11am - 5pm, Sunday: 11am - 5pm 

Goethe-Institut Chicago, 150 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 200, Chicago, IL 60601
Daily during office hours 9:30am - 5:30pm

As Chicago advisors for the local component of Queer as German Folk: 50 Years of Transatlantic Rainbow Friendship, Mason Culkin and Liliana Macias were tasked with developing Mapping Queer Chicago: Past and Present. Informed by their knowledge of the marginalized and non-mainstream queer communities in Chicago, they highlighted a variety of forgotten and key queer sites and spaces.

Mason Culkin © © Mason Culkin Mason Culkin © Mason Culkin
"I am currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Museum and Exhibition Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago. This summer, I will visit Berlin to present at the Queering Memory conference at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt." (M.C.)

Liliana Macias © © Liliana Macias Liliana Macias © Liliana Macias
"I am a program coordinator for the Chicago History Museum and adjunct lecturer for the Women’s and Gender Studies and Sociology department at Northeastern Illinois University. I migrated to the United States from Mexico when I was 6 years old and grew up in the lower west side of Chicago. I am currently working on exploring the intersections between queerness, being undocumented, and feminism in the United States." (L.M.) 

Queer as German Folk is a project of the Goethe-Institut in North America in cooperation with Schwules Museum, Berlin, and the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.

#queerasgermanfolk #qagf #stonewall50 #smu #bpb



several venues


Language: Englisch
Price: Free Admission