Yoga Class
Alignment Yoga

in a whimsical illustration against a yellow background, people on flowers engage in communal activities like reading and talking
© Colleen Tighe


In western cultures, yoga’s health benefits are commonsense – along with having been practiced for thousands of years, scientific studies show how yoga helps with stress, anxiety, flexibility, and the immune system. But the mainstream idea of yoga is often divorced from its roots, focusing largely on yoga as a physical exercise method. Moreover, yoga has morphed into an industry that often highlights competitive and normative ideas of the body – far from the spiritual and meditative nature of traditional yoga practices.

This series of yoga classes, taught by yoga instructor Katrin Elia, will highlight four different styles of yoga practices with a shared focus on healing. By including breathing exercises (pranayama), restorative poses, and different types of movement, these classes will help participants to find joy in movement, balance in body and mind, and peace in one’s self.

Please bring a yoga mat or a large towel for each session. Other props like blocks and straps can be helpful but are not required.

Alignment Yoga

This style is inspired by the B.K.S. Iyengar alignment method. It is a deep practice that involves standing, balancing, inverted and seated yoga poses. The instructor demonstrates teach pose and gives alignment cues before the group practices each pose. The mind will be totally focused on the pose and the practice becomes "yoga pure,"  bringing the body & the mind together. 

Recommended props for this class: yoga mat, two same size yoga blocks, a yoga strap, and two blankets - alternatives are okay. Some yoga experience is recommended. 

This class will be held online on Zoom - please RSVP to attend.

Katrin Elia was born in Germany and opened her yoga and ayurveda studio Katrin Elia Yoga in Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania in 2013. A former dancer, she is certified in vinyasa, yin yoga, and hormone yoga therapy. She has completed various yoga teacher trainings, including anatomy yin, restorative, and various ayurveda practices.




Language: English
Price: Free
Part of series Apotheke: A Digital Third Place

Some yoga experience is recommended