Film Streaming

Fever © EastWest
© EastWest


In 1950s Austria, Franzi, 11 years old, lives in a small town with her parents. Photographs belong to her life like picture books to those of other kids. She spends days and nights between dream and reality, “bringing to life” the photos her dad took in Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia while being stationed there as a foreign legionnaire. The images are enigmatic and spark her imagination; fascination and horror never lie far apart. The father’s feverish dreams, triggered by a recurrent surge of malaria, become the girl’s nightmare. Years later, the grown-up Franziska – now a renowned photographer – travels from Graz to Novi Sad, searching for a lost sister, and the images of her childhood start to blur together with her journey to Serbia.

Presented as part of the film series Female Misbehavior: The Films of Monika Treut and Elfi Mikesch, in collaboration with Anthology Film Archives and Salzgeber Club

Dir. Elfi Mikesch
2014, 87 minutes, digital

With Eva Mattes, Carolina Cardoso, Martin Wuttke, Nicole Max, Sascha Ley




Language: German with English subtitles
Price: Rent $10
Buy $15
Part of series Female Misbehavior: The Films of Monika Treut and Elfi Mikesch

All proceeds from ticket sales go to Anthology Film Archives and Salzgeber & Co. Medien. By purchasing a ticket you are keeping one of the most important not-for-profit film centers in New York City alive.