Tactical Tech: The Influence Industry | IMAGE + BIAS. FILMIC EXPLORATIONS

Tactical Tech: The Influence Industry
Courtesy of Gray Area

Workshop by Gary Wright


Across the globe, data on voters is being collected, traded and utilised to target them for political influence and shape opinions. But how does this actually happen in practice and how can we start to find out who is actually making this happen? This workshop will introduce participants to the Influence Industry and what it does and provide insights into how researchers can use public data to find out more.

Workshop Outline

  • Basics of voter data in digital political campaigning
  • Overview of the Influence Industry and how it operates
  • Exploration of US Federal Election Commission database and UK Election Commission database
  • Sneak peek into Tactical Tech's upcoming tools for exploring the Influence Industry across the globe
Workshop Goals
  • Broaden the understanding of how democratic processes in the digital age operate.
  • Introduce the audience to relevant public data sets to encourage research and transparency efforts.
Instructor: Gary Wright
Gary is one of the Project Leads at Tactical Tech's Data & Politics team working on The Influence Industry Project. Over the past five years, he and his team have been researching, documenting and highlighting the massive data industry connected to modern day political elections, how data on voters is collected and utilised by candidates and what digital tools are frequently used. Gary's background is in international politics and security studies and entered the discourse around data privacy and security following work in ICT4Development.

This workshop accompanies the film series IMAGE+BIAS. FILMIC EXPLORATIONS and is part of the project IMAGE + BIAS that critically engages with the cultural realities being increasingly determined by imperceptible technologies.


Language: English
Price: Free | Registration required
Part of series IMAGE + BIAS. FILMIC EXPLORATIONS: Workshops

Platform: Big Blue Button | Max. students: 20