NGUYỄN TRƯƠNG QUÝ wurde 1977 in Hanoi geboren. Er erwarb einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Architektur und einen Master in Medien- und Kommunikationsmanagement. Nachdem er viele Jahre für einige Zeitungen und den Tre-Verlag gearbeitet hat, ist er nun freier Schriftsteller und Maler. Trương Quý wurde für den Preis "Bùi Xuân Phái - Vì tình yêu Hà Nội" (Für die Liebe von Hanoi) nominiert.
Seine Bücher umfassen: Tự nhiên người Hà Nội (Sei du selbst als Hanoier, bitte, 2004), Ăn phở rất khó thấy ngon (Sehr schwierig, Pho lecker zu finden, 2008), Hà Nội là Hà Nội (Hanoi ist Hanoi, 2010), Xe máy tiếu ngạo (Das wandernde Motorrad, 2011), Còn ai hát về Hà Nội (Singt sonst noch jemand über Hanoi? 2013), Dưới cột đèn rót một ấm trà (Unter der Laterne eine Teekanne ausgießen, 2013), Mỗi góc phố một người đang sống (In jede Straßenecke lebt eine Person, 2015), Lê la quà vặt (Hanoi isst herum, mit Đặng Hồng Quân, 2017), Ăn quà xuyên Việt (Durch Vietnam essen, mit Đặng Hồng Quân, 2017), Một thời Hà Nội hát - Tim cũng không ngờ làm nên lời ca (Eine nostalgische Gesangszeit in Hanoi - Das Herz hat auch nicht erwartet, Lyrik zu machen, 2018)
“I am often interested in the adaptations of literature into other forms, such as music, theatre, cinema or the reverse, the exploitation of other art texts into literature. I know it’s called intercultural texts. Perhaps because I do various works all at once, and writing is the nuclear energy that somehow manipulates these other works, which is, as Vietnamese people mock themselves, “ if not good vertically, then good horizontally”. To me, these links do make writing more exciting and furthermore, less boring. Because the work of writing easily makes us writers depressed.
To me, every journey of writing is a mental wandering. I wander through the research texts as if I was wandering to collect chestnuts. Sometimes I happen to find treasures. I rummage through my experiences and memories the way one unfolds a photo album. Sometimes I am amazed to meet my forgotten impressions. I am a writer who stitches together the past and the present. I know that I belong to a generation who will have to deal with many historical narratives of this country. My writing, in some ways, is not separate from my need to move, even though I write a lot about the dear place where I live - Hanoi. Perhaps it's essential for writers to defamiliarize their surrounding realities to find new angles for their creative inspiration. The most challenging question to me when it comes to writing is: The strangeness that I found, to what extent could it be strange? Am I different from my yesterday self? Each writing day is a journey to find another me.”