Writing Contest for female Vietnamese students
„Ambassador for a day!“

Eine Kursteilnehmerin im Klassenraum schreibt auf ein Whiteboard das Wort „Geburtstag“. © Goethe-Institut/Sonja Tobias

Event description

In celebration of the International Women's Day on March 8 and the 50th anniversary since diplomatic relations were established between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Federal Republic of Germany on September 23 in 1975, the German Embassy invites Vietnamese girls and young women aged 16 to 26 to participate in a special writing competition.

This competition is more than just an opportunity to showcase writing skills. It is meant to serve as a platform to empower and encourage the next generation of female leaders. Significant progress has been made in advancing women's rights and equality in the last years. Nevertheless, women remain underrepresented in many leadership positions across various sectors globally. This gap highlights the need to further encourage and support young women to make full use of their potential and to follow their personal aspirations.

We are convinced that witnessing firsthand the dynamic work of a successful female leader can be a powerful source of inspiration. Therefore, we call for applications by creative young Vietnamese girls and women who are curious and would like to be

Ambassador for a day!

The writing prompt is:

How can the relationship between Germany and Vietnam be further strengthened, in your opinion?

What would you do to enhance the diplomatic relations between Germany and Vietnam if you were Ambassador for a day?

Participants are encouraged to explore this topic with creativity, critical thinking, and a forward-looking perspective.

Please submit your entry by February 28 via email to kultbot@gmail.com.


  • German representations in Vietnam